Roofing Contractor in Louisville, KY — Do You Need One?
The benefits of using in-house maintenance staff to check the roof are pretty clear. First, they are already in the building, and there is no extra cost. Second, the building engineers already should have maintenance schedules set up for HVAC and other equipment and implementing a roof program should be easy to do.
Another option is to seek the advice of a seasoned roofing contractor Louisville KY. This might be costly or difficult, but the positives outweigh the drawbacks. One positive is that they have no vested interest in the outcome of the roof inspection: Whether the roof is in bad or good condition, their fees remain the same. A knowledgeable roof consultant knows what to look for, not just the obvious, but also the unique conditions that impact roofs and lead to failures. The consultant will also know why problems occur, what fixes are most appropriate, and how to develop repair requirements that address difficulties discovered during the inspection. With that knowledge, the facility manager can then seek offers on a project-to-project basis. The third benefit, particularly with architects, is that they know the whole building and can identify problems that are not roof-specific.
But there are downsides too. For one thing, they may not be sure what they should look for. Or their other duties may take up too much of their time and leave them with no urgency to go up on the roof. On top of that, expertise varies with staff changes. Sure, it takes little expertise to catch obvious things like punctures, holes, and tears in the flashing, flashing that are loose or are opening up at the top, rusted metal elements, or debris building up on the roof. But there are more subtle things, that if caught in time, could save thousands of dollars.
Also keep in mind that residential roofing contractors Louisville KY make their money by doing repairs and replacing roofs. So even the most professional contractors have a built-in bias whether they acknowledge it or not. Some contractors offer periodic inspections as a part of a total maintenance program — inspections and repairs. The program is set for a given number of years for a specific cost. Inappropriately, this setting creates a financial deterrent for a roofing contractor in Louisville, KY to do the marginal work that is needed as costs are augmented and profit slumps.
Contractors differ extensively in expertise, depending on which personnel is sent out to do the inspection. Some are outstanding and do a professional job. Others send out their repair experts who may know how to make general repairs but may not be familiar with the particular flat roof solution that is on your roof. If they are used to asphalt-based roofs and you have a single-ply membrane, they may not have the necessary expertise to do a capable inspection.
When it is all said and done, though, in the case of roof replacement and flat roof solutions Louisville KY, it’s always best to consult an expert to avoid throwing away money that an expert could save you.